
Torque Wrench Click Type

Click Type Hand Torque Wrench

Product details

DTS hand torque wrenches click type covers the most common torque ranges from 30 In-Lbs to 250 Ft-Lbs

* Drive sizes of 1/4, 3/8 1/2

* All wrenches can be used in both CW & CCW directions

* Wrenches are dual scale for Ft-Lbs & Nm or In-Lbs & Nm settings

* All wrenches come with quick release reversible ratchet heads

* Adjusting ring locks when setting torque value

* All wrenches come in individual storage cases

* Meets all industry standards for torque tools and supplied with certificates (COC)

* Made in USA

Offshore Tooling and Services

Mobile: 0408 995 612
