
HTL Power-Pro Torque Pumps

HTL Power-Pro Torque Pump Air or Electric

Product details

The HTL Power-Pro Hydraulic Torque Pump is available with a multi-tool manifold (as pictured) allowing up to four tools to be used simultaneously ensuring equal parallel closure of flanges; alternatively the pump can be delivered with a single tool manifold. The highly ergonomic design ensures ease of use for the operator; ultimately increasing performance.

Features and Benefits

* Multi-tool manifold standard
* Solenoid valve system
* Protective frame design
* Robust hand control
* Precision, calibrated pressure gauge
* Oil level sight glass

Whats Included....

Each pump despatched is ready to use and complete with:

* Full calibration certificate
* Letter of Conformity
* Spare parts list
* Operating instructions
* HTL Worldwide Pro-46 Hydraulic Oil
* Twin line hose assembly (custom lengths available)


Offshore Tooling and Services

Mobile: 0408 995 612
